
American Legion Post 12


VA Disability Compensation


VA disability compensation (pay) offers a monthly tax-free payment to Veterans who got sick or injured while serving in the military and to Veterans whose service made an existing condition worse. You may qualify for VA disability benefits for physical conditions (like a chronic illness or injury) and mental health conditions (like PTSD) that developed before, during, or after service. Find out how to apply for and manage the Veterans disability benefits you've earned.

Get VA disability compensation (pay)

Eligibility right-arrow

Find out if you’re eligible for VA disability benefits for a presumptive disability or other service-connected condition.

How to file a claim right-arrow

Find out how to prepare and file a claim for disability compensation online or by phone or mail.

File a claim online (VA Form 21-526EZ) right-arrow

Start your application for disability compensation now.

After you file your claim right-arrow

Find out what happens after you file for VA disability compensation, how long it takes us to make a decision, and what to do if you disagree.

Compensation benefits for a surviving spouse and dependents (VA DIC) right-arrow

Learn about getting VA disability benefits as a surviving spouse, dependent child, or parent.


Federal Government  Web Sites


Veterans' Programs and Services:

The Judiciary Branch
The United State Supreme Court: judiciary & U. S. Courts: 
Department of Veterans Affairs: www.va.gov
Disabled American Veterans: www.dav.org

Branches of the Federal Government:

The Executive Branch
The White House:
The Legislative Branch
The United States Senate:
The Legislative Branch
The United States House Of Representatives:

Military Branches:

The Pentagon:  www.defenselink.mil/pubs/pentagon
The United States Army:  www.army.mil
The United States Navy:  www.navy.mil
The United States Marine Corps: www.usmc.mil
The United States Air Force: www.af.mil
The United States Coast Guard: www.uscg.mil
The American Merchant Marines: www.usmm.org

Military Academies:

United State Military Academy:  www.usma.edu
United States Naval Academy:   www.usna.edu
United States Merchant Marine Academy: www.usmma.edu
United States Coast Guard Academy:  www.uscga.edu
United States Air Force Academy:  www.usafa.af.mil
United States Air Force ROTC:  www.afrotc.com

General / Misc Resources:

Federal Executive Branch Resources: www.loc.gov/global/executive/fed.htm
Federal Judiciary Branch Resources:  www.uscourts.gov
Memorial and Tribute Web Sites / Military Memorials  
Korean War Veterans Memorial: www.nps.gov/kowa
Vietnam Veterans Memorial:  www.nps.gov/vive/index.htm
National World War II Memorial: www.wwiimemorial.com
Memorial Museum Association:  www.nps.gov/usar
United State Air Force Museum: www.nationalmuseum.af.mil
Arlington National Cemetery:    www.arlingtoncemetery.mil
American Memorial Park:    www.nps.gov/amme/main.htm


Congressional Medal Of Honor Society: www.cmohs.org