Joseph G. Henson American Legion Post 12, P.O. Box 1893, 350 Legion Hut Road
Carthage, NC 28327 (910) 420-0013
General Meeting Minutes-12 September 2024
Call to Order 18:09
Flag Salute
Opening Prayer Tom Brady
Pledge of Allegiance
Quorum Yes
Opening Remarks Commander
- Guest speaker is a “no show”.
- Legion Base Ball Update
- Chris Moore suggested support from all the Moore County AL posts.
- I suggested I would reach out to the other posts for their opinions.
- Vass post commander liked the idea.
- Fall dance not feasible at this point, given that Tim Curren cannot participate.
- Commander Biggs will have a hot dog/burger event the third Saturday of every month, if no conflicts with rentals.
- The first hot dog/burger event will be October 5th at 14:00.
- A movie or other form entertainment is suggested.
- All invited, just chip in for the expenses.
Reports Executive Members
- 1st Vice: Ray White, 60 Paid Members, next goal is 137 members.
- Commander Biggs asked for volunteers to reach out to unpaid members.
- 2nd Vice: Tom Brady, Flag Retirement Ceremony moved to 26 October, a Saturday.
- Discussed inviting dignitaries and generating attendance.
- Waiting to hear back from Union Pines JROTC for posting the colors that day in leu of the local Boy Scout Troop.
- Tom received great feedback for the last ceremony.
- Post facility manager (Hollywood),
- Sgt. at Arms: Discussed keeping abreast of current events and contacting your government representatives.
Old Business
- Financial Report
- Rentals
New Business
- Members who reached out to non-paid members.
- Hurricane victim support.
- Rental Update.
- Finance Update.
- Legion Base Ball Update
- Chris Moore suggested support from all the Moore County AL posts.
- I suggested I would reach out to the other posts for their opinions.
- After researching the base ball program, Commander Biggs determined that only one post can “sponsor” a team.
- Coming Events
- Flag Retirement Ceremony.
- Suggested setting some dates for local fund raising.
- Mike Schriver discussed his effort to raise funds for veteran transportation in Moore County.
- A motion was passed to hand the effort over to Military Missions in Action organization.
- Mike will continue the fund raising for that effort.
- Mike and Ray White will participate in the Senior Center “Yellow Dot” program.
- Collin Mayo explained why our recently created Facebook page went away. The old site still exists with no one able to administer it.
- Chaplain (Tom Brady) closing prayer
Prepared by: Richard C. Biggs, Commander